
I got an inspirational email yesterday about a college student who argued with his atheistic professor concerning the existence of God. The student said that there’s no such thing as darkness, just the absence of light; no such thing as cold, just the absence of heat; and finally, no such thing as evil, just the absence of good, or love, or God. The pupil turned out to be Albert Einstein.

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I have read Dr. Daniel J. Siegel’s book Mindsight once and then again, and I still keep it handy for reference. Right now I’m making my way through some of his other books, though they were written for professionals so that much in them is beyond my frame of reference. The author has a gift for making the difficult comprehensible so I’m learning.

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The Palest Ink

I have been writing all my life and I’ve kept most of what I have written. Now the question of what to do with it all is very real. Whatever that writing lacks, it is a history of my life, and as an old proverb notes, “The palest ink is more accurate than the sharpest memory.” Published or not, it’s my body of work, the fruit of my efforts, the summing up of what I’ve learned and lived over all these decades.

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The Eraser in my Mind

Nature must provide some sort of tranquilizer that kicks in as we approach the end of life, allowing us to accept the unacceptable. Otherwise why am I not more alarmed that I can’t remember the titles of movies or the authors of books or the names of public figures that have been familiar to me for years? Usually they come back easily when I stop searching for them, but at other times I have to find the book or consult the Internet. I believe many people in my age group experience this.

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